When the universe flips a coin, will it ever stop spinning?

Hinako Nakamura

[More will be added every once in a while. No spoilers! tee hee..]

Full Name: Hinako Nakamura

Age: 16

Birthday: August 22

Height: 5'4"

Hair/Eye color: Blackish violet/Violet

Blood type: B-

Astrological Sign: Leo

Family: Her grandparents. She also has an older brother who lives away from home.

Hobbies: Video games, Kendo, baseball

Favorite foods: Hummus, tacos, celery, chocolate cake

Least favorite food: Bacon

Likes: Fighting, fighting and action games, laser tag, paintball

Dislikes: Cowards, arrogance, men who act like pigs

Fears: Bats

Favorite Animal: Cat

Favorite Color: Violet

Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley

Motto: "The best defense is a good offense, but everyone knows that. You'll win for sure if you concentrate on making your offense absolutely rock-hard!"

Anything else? Hinako is a very brash and outspoken individual most of the time, but she still has at least a little consideration of how others feel. At times she gets over-excited with the prospect of a fight, but other times she gets downright sly. However, she and Natane are inseperable. Her sense of humor is extremely dry, sometimes even morbid. Through her tough exterior, though, one will find a heart that is merely devoted to protecting the ones she loves.

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