Sinicha Miyuki
[More will be added every once in a while. No spoilers! tee hee..]
Full Name: Sinicha Miyuki
Age: 18
Birthday: June 15
Height: 5'8"
Hair/Eye color: Blonde/Blue
Blood type: A
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Family: Sister, Myeko
Hobbies: Gardening, daydreaming, singing
Favorite foods: Strawberries
Least favorite food: Red meat
Likes: Flowers, birds, jokes
Dislikes: Selfishness, extreme heat
Fears: Large fires, large animals
Favorite Animal: Ermine
Favorite Color: Cyan
Favorite Flower: Crocus
Motto: "Love is the greatest force in the whole world. Technology and magic can't compare, so don't fight it or you'll almost certainly find yourself losing!"
Anything else? Sinicha is friendly, nurturing and loving, but sometimes can be just a little distant. She's the typical girly girl, flowers, puppies, and kittens, but she does have an occasional mischievous streak. She likes playing practical jokes, but dislikes having them done to her. A special trait of hers is the ability to somehow stay calm in the most stressful of situations. It seems, to some, that she always knows just what to do.
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